At Beck Row Academy we use the Jigsaw scheme to promote a whole school approach to the teaching and learning of Personal, Social and Health education (including Relationships, Health and Sex Education). Our intention is to deliver a curriculum that is accessible to all and will maximise the outcomes of every child. The curriculum is designed so that learning is holistic and mindfulness runs through every Jigsaw piece and puzzle.

PSHE is taught explicitly, and nurtured implicitly, through well structured, progressive weekly lessons. It builds social skills, grows emotional literacy, enables positive mental health and nurtures children’s positive relationships with themselves and others. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education (SMSC), Fundamental British Values and Safeguarding are addressed throughout, promoting the pupils’ growth as British citizens to uphold the principles of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths, beliefs and beliefs.

Click here to see the content overview for each year, and the progression map.

Overview Map

PSHE Progression Map



PSHE lessons are delivered in discrete weekly lessons following the Jigsaw scheme. Key Stage and in class assemblies are used to further explore themes and to address current affairs.


The effectiveness of the curriculum is monitored through looking at work produced and discussions with pupils. At the end of each Jigsaw piece pupils self assess their understanding, this is followed by teacher assessment.

Relationship and Sex Education

From September 2020, the Government have issued new guidelines making Relationship, Health and Sex Education (RHSE) compulsory in primary schools. This means that as parents and carers, you will not have the right to withdraw your child from this subject.

This area of Jigsaw covers the changes that children will face, both physically and emotionally.  This will cover aspects of Sex and Relationship education.  At Beck Row Academy we believe that knowledge empowers children to make informed decisions that keep them happy, safe and secure.  The previous 5 units build resilience, self esteem and confidence and the ability to deal with appropriate information without fear or embarrassment.

Below are two documents for parental information as part of the RSHE consultation.

RSHE-A-Guide-for-Parents-and-Carers-leaflet-2020-1 JigSaw Curriculum

RSHE Policy July 2021